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Idea launches Rs.15 Choice Recharge with 5 option benefit

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Monday, 27 May 2013

Idea launches Rs.15 Choice Recharge with 5 option benefit

Idea launches Rs.15 Choice Recharge, Choose Free Minutes, Data or SMS

Growing Competition has made cellular operators to provide something unique to their customers and one such unique features is adopted by Idea Cellular today by announcing the launch of an innovative mobile recharge for its prepaid customers in Tamil Nadu Circle. 

The “Choice Recharge” voucher of Rs.15 offers five option benefits. Idea Cellular prepaid mobile customers can choose one out of five benefits by dialing the appropriate code as given (below) in the voucher.  

The Choice Recharge includes - Idea to Idea Calling, SMS, Local Mobile Minutes and Internet Offers. 
Idea Choice Recharge Rs 15

Idea Cellular Choice Recharge of Rs.15

MRPChoice BenefitValidityCode
RC1535 Local Mobile Minutes2 days*223*code#
30 STD Mobile Minutes2 days*223*code*1#
75 Local Idea Minutes (to be used only in Idea sites)4 days*223*code*2#
100 Local/National SMS/day7 days*223*code*3#
100 MB 2G data (overage 10p/10KB)3 days*223*code*4#
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1 comment:

  1. idea datacard recharge is very affordable and cheap idea dongle which supports HSDPA/HSUPA and you can get fast 3G on your pc or laptop, anywhere, It is a plug and play device and install the software automatically after plugging in USB. You also do not need to add network setting manually and device will detect network setting automatically
